3D Laser Scanning
Professional-Strength Scanning Services
Today, 3D scanning technology is integrated into all areas of product development from the conceptual phase through part inspection. What’s more, design and manufacturing engineers have to wade through a jungle of hardware and software to figure out the best solution for their application. TriMet’s 3D scanning services cuts through the red tape and lack of internal expertise to get your initiatives on track. Our team thrives on transforming your scanning project into a useful 3D CAD model for real world use.
TriMet’s comprehensive service offering includes laser and white light scanning, point cloud to complete CAD model creation, and point cloud inspection/comparison to a CAD model. Depending on the size of the object and the accuracy of the project, we utilize the appropriate scanning solution for each customer’s unique specifications.
TriMet has scanned everything from the size of an ear piece to large industrial buildings…
“Are we pros? You bet. TriMet has scanned everything from the size of an ear piece to large industrial buildings…all with different accuracy specifications. We have scanned parts and assemblies across the board in diverse industries such aerospace, automotive, agriculture, architectural, medical, power generation and manufacturing, just to name a few.”
– Mitch Fields, TriMet
TriMet can translate the benefits of 3D laser scanning to your bottom line. To get the job done, we employ best-in-class scanning equipment:
- Steinbichler blue light scanners (also known as white light scanners)
- Steinbichler Optical CMM T-Track, T-Scan LV
- ROMER articulated arm (also known as portable coordinate measuring machine (PCMM) used for probing and scanning)
- Leica Laser Trackers with the T-Probe and T-Scan
- Surphaser – Hemispherical 3D Scanner
Our scanning services can address a wide array of applications, including:
- 3D Printing
- Alignment
- Surface Analysis
- Engineering development
- Product development
- Prototyping
- Flush and Gap
- Metrology-assisted assembly
- Robotics